This is a treasure, seeing the King up close! What must it have been like to hang with the world’s biggest celebrity at the time and enjoy his humor, antics, horse playing and down to earth attitude? He had it all but what he had above all is that he never took himself or his wealth too seriously. It’s like he knew he received it by grace and freely shared it all with those he loved, and even with strangers. The classic comedy wig and shades make him look like a bad impersonator of himself!
It’s always striking when I see the super-simple and modest backstage accommodations and stage sets that Elvis — the greatest entertainer in history, used without complaining when contrasted with today’s performers who don’t have 1/1000th his talent. How many times have I seen articles about the creature comfort demanded by many of today’s performers (e.g. Madonna): bottles of champagne, bottled water, deli meats, etc. and you better make sure they’re the EXACT brand demanded! Meanwhile, Elvis Presley was happy to get ready backstage in cinder-block dressing rooms and perform on a simple stage with zero pyrotechnics of special effects. Elvis’s talent itself was the pyrotechnics and special effects.
What are your thoughts on this famous, inspiring moment in rock and roll history? Tell us in the comments section below.
SOURCE: Youtube
Elvis Presley, Buddy Holly, And A Young Johnny Cash, Earliest Footage VERY Rare