We always looked forward to our freedom during the summer! Barefeet, made up games with made up rules, chalk, hopscotch, and friends… When we were kids, we weren’t afraid of coming home in the dark.
We weren’t afraid of rusty, dirty playgrounds, we didn’t wear helmets and knee pads and technology was organic outdoors fun! Before we begin, let’s set the mood with “Summertime”…
1. Playing Tetherball
Remember playing TETHERBALL? Where you would stand across from your competition (That would be my bestie) and hit that tethered volleyball around a metal pole. This outdoor activity was the greatest release of excess energy!
Who remembers the rules and the verbiage involved? From “a “crossy” to a “goofy” to a “double touchie”, this outdoor activity was
2. Dr. Scholl’s
Nothing hurt worse than your heel falling on the wooden edge of these horse clacking shoes. It reminded my of when I would hit a funny bone or fall on my coccyx bone!
3. Riding Bikes And Skateboarding
We rode bikes with friends, sporting striped knee-high socks and cut off denim shorts…plastic skateboards in tow.
Was always fun to hold onto the back of a bike while on our skateboards and get towed around the neighborhood.
4. We Did Stunts On Our Bikes
From popping wheelies or “look no hands” we ruled the neighborhood.
I lived near a golf course so we would ride our bikes all day long down that connecting road and look for lost balls to add to our collection! We had a huge bucket of balls by summertime end..
5. We couldn’t wait to get a Slurpee so we could add to our collectible cups
Did you collect any of these rad slurpee cups?
6. Hearing The Sound Of The Good Humor Truck Was Music To Our Ears
We could hear his bells from a distance and we knew he was coming! Chocolate Eclair’s And Strawberry Shortcakes were the best!
7. Who Needed A Pool?
Running through the sprinklers was our reprieve from the heat of summer.
8. We Had Cool, Slippery Fun
Slip ‘N Slides and blowup pools were common staples in our backyards.
9. Sidewalk Fun During The Summer Heat
Chalk and a rock was all we needed to entertain ourselves.
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