The things mom said, will stick with us forever. I even swore taht as a mother, I would never say these things to my kids! I guess my “Momism” would be… “Like Mother Like Daughter”!
Here are some more popular momisms our mothers use to say to us.
“Like mother like daughter.”
“As long as you’re under my roof, you live by my rules.”
“What part of no don’t you understand?”
What other sayings did our moms use when we were young?
- “Wait until your father gets home”
WordBird “No one said life was fair”
Boldomatic.com “Because I said so.”
someecards.com My personal favorite Mom (Besides my own of course) was Florence Henderson on The Brady Bunch. If you’re like me, enjoy this video about some secrets about everyone’s favorite and PROGRESSIVE family! What a Bunch!
- “Wait until your father gets home”
- What other sayings did mom always say? Click “Next” to read more