Remember getting full hot meal service on all airline flights? Not just international flights but on domestic flights too? I do. I also remember how people complained about how terrible airplane food was. Yet, when the steward or stewardess would come around to offer us lunch or dinner, we always took it.
Funny, I can smell the memories of in-flight meals as I write this story…The smell of food on an airplane is so nostalgic. Not necessarily a good nostalgia, but nonetheless, a nostalgia!
Airlines announced they would no longer be serving food on domestic flights. And ironically, all of us who complained about the terrible, sodium preserved food in the first place, were upset! In lieu of meals, some airlines would serve preprepared or boxed cold snacks and other airlines, you could purchase a little something but hot meal service became a thing of the past. A memory! Vintage.
Well guess what? That vintage memory, the one we all once hated, is no longer a memory. In flight food is coming back and what used to be a thing of the past, is no longer!