Food is clearly something very nostalgic. But the commercials and famous jingles related to some of our childhood foods make those nostalgic memories that much more intense and memorable.
Food has always been a focal point for family time, tv time and school days and nights. The foods and snacks of yesteryear are still embedded into our minds. Over the decades, food has always been a focal point for bringing families together and friends together.
When I hear a brand of the past, the first thing that comes to my mind is the commercial or the jingle that is associated to it. Food always brings us back to the fun times of yesteryear. Even today.
When I hear Jell-o, I say J-E-L-L-O. When I hear Coca Cola, I immediately remember “I’d Like To Teach The World To Sing” or “Have a Coke and a smile”…
OR when one gives me a slogan like:
“The best part of waking up” or “Have it your way”, typically you know what brands I am referring to.
The good old days of eating: The times when we all ate dinners, together as a family: When friends would ride their bikes over after school and we would run to the snack drawers for our Yodels and Charles Chips; When the smell of freshly cooked meals were always brewing in the kitchen; When Swanson’s TV dinners were our alternative meals; When Pyrex, Tupperware and Corningware were the identifiable cookware, utensils and dishes in our kitchen cabinets; And when fresh milk was delivered by a “milkman” at the crack of dawn, left in galvanized metal box on our back porches.
What commercials do you remember? What treats did you eat? And what jingles did you love or hate? Let’s go back to the “boob” tube and look back at some really sweet and savory memories…
How many of these did you eat? What commercials do you think should have been on this list? Share your memories in the comment section below.