Lisa Kudrow recently uncovered a heartfelt surprise from her late Friends co-star, Matthew Perry. During an interview on The Drew Barrymore Show, Kudrow revealed that Perry had gifted her the famous “Cookie Time” jar from the set of Friends.
Kudrow noted that Perry gave her the jar, which was a prop from filming, at the end of the finale episode. She had no idea there was a note inside until recently. Discovering a message from her late co-star felt special and reminded Kudrow of Perry’s thoughtful nature.
Lisa Kudrow rewatched ‘Friends’ in honor of Matthew Perry
For years, Kudrow avoided watching reruns of Friends, admitting she felt embarrassed to see herself on screen. This changed after Perry’s passing in October 2023, as she decided to make a compromise and pay tribute to him by revisiting the series.
She mentioned that she found it easier to watch because she made it about Perry, drawing her attention off herself in character as Phoebe Buffay. Like most fans of Friends, Kudrow admitted that she catches herself laughing out loud while watching. She commended each of her co-stars, noting that she was blown away by Courteney Cox and Jennifer Aniston’s performances.
Lisa Kudrow reflects on Matthew Perry’s death and how she’s coping
Kudrow claimed Perry’s passing was a shock to her, even though he once said it would happen. Despite the heartbreak, Kudrow believes Perry left this world in a happy place. She shared how grateful she was for their friendship and the memories they made in her tribute on Instagram.
Perry will always be remembered by Kudrow and his surviving castmates for his humor and thoughtfulness. “Thank you for your open heart in a six way relationship that required compromise. And a lot of ‘talking. Thank you for showing up at work when you weren’t well and then, being completely brilliant,” her tribute read.