John Stamos nearly became a member of the Church of Scientology in the ‘80s after his former acting tutor’s assistant, Mia, provided him with books and resources about the controversial practice. He then honored her invitation to attend the Celebrity Center in Hollywood, California, but did not stay long due to what he experienced.
He described the building as “grand, ornate and creepy as f–k,” adding that there was a cross between Chateau Marmont, Disney’s Haunted Mansion, and a mental hospital. This alone threw Stamos off, but he still went in.
John Stamos’ bizarre encounter with Scientology before getting kicked out
On getting in, he was given the E-meter, which the church says is an electropsychometer device that can detect varying emotional states, identify stored engrams, and determine levels of spiritual distress. Rather than take his first familiarization seriously, Stamos began playing with the double cup device, which made Mia uncomfortable.
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Unable to stand Stamos’ lack of seriousness as he made a Peabody and Sherman impression with the device, the church simply kicked him out. He also recalled getting pinched in the hand by a weird-looking little man who handled his “audition” session.
Stamos was not ‘Scientology material’
Stamos detailed this encounter in his book If You Would Have Told Me, noting that he was interrogated on his thoughts about their belief system and their founder, author L. Ron Hubbard. He was also quizzed on his criminal history and potential and got weird questions relating to sex.
Sadly—or maybe not—the detector device’s needle indicated that Stamos was not qualified, to Mia’s disappointment. While Stamos did not even cross the first hurdle to becoming a member, Hollywood celebrities like John Travolta, Elisabeth Moss and Tom Cruise have been associated with the church for years.