78-year-old Ernie Hudson appeared at the London screening of Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire wearing dark-wash jeans and a black T-shirt that showed off his toned body. The Ghostbusters franchise star had the internet talking about his ripped physique, which is a marvel for his age.
As photos of Ernie made it to social media, fans began to rave in no time, saying, “Sweet baby Jesus, I’m lusting after someone’s Grandpappy.” “And I got 78 ways to take care of him, as a caregiver, of course. Respect to his wife,” another cocky user added.
Ernie Hudson gains attention with his toned physique
Ernie recently told PEOPLE that he was shocked but pleased with the attention he received online after the screening of Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire. “It’s nice to be noticed. It’s been a little bit of a surprise in the last couple of days,” he said. “I’ve always been in what I consider fairly good shape, but normally, when I do those press conferences, I’m usually in a suit or a sports coat.”
RELATED: Whatever Happened To Ernie Hudson, Winston Zeddemore From ‘Ghostbusters’?
The two-time cancer survivor added that he prioritizes staying healthy despite not being a daily regular at the gym. “My career hasn’t been about focusing on my physicality. The most important thing for me is just to try to maintain your health, just common-sense stuff,” he explained. “I see these guys who really pump up and they got these massive arms and six-packs and all that, that’s not what my career has been about.”
The actor also admitted that he works out at the gym three times a week and engages a personal trainer and pilates instructor. “When I see this guy, he will put me through some stuff that I feel like for the next couple of days I’m going to be sore. As painful as it is, I actually kind of enjoy it,” he said of his trainer. He added that he walks 10,000 steps with his wife of 40 years, Linda Kingsberg.
Ernie says his good looks begin from the inside, as he “always looked at physicality more from a spiritual perspective than a physical.” “The spiritual thing dictates the physical more than the other way around,” he added. “So when I’m in a good space, I’m aware of just how I’m living my life, the other things fall in place.”