Brian Wilson is battling with declining mental health, according to a filing from Wilson’s family. In light of his deteriorating mental state and the death of his wife of 28 years, Melinda, who died in January, Wilson’s family is pursuing conservatorship for Wilson.
-year-oldA conservatorship allows a third party to manage the conservatee’s assets, finances, and properties. This is usually pursued with the conservatee is a minor or somehow otherwise incapacitated. It’s a concept that entered the national spotlight during the conservatorship case of Britney Spears; in June 2021, Spears made a public demand for the end of her conservatorship, which reportedly began involuntarily in 2008. According to Wilson’s family, they consulted with him extensively before making this decision.
The family of Brian Wilson is pursuing conservatorship
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Earlier this week, Wilson’s family shared a post on social media on his behalf updating fans on his mental health situation and their plans going forward. “Following the passing of Brian’s beloved wife Melinda, after careful consideration and consultation among Brian, his seven children, Gloria Ramos and Brian’s doctors (and consistent with family processes put in place by Brian and Melinda), we are confirming that longtime Wilson family representatives LeeAnn Hard and Jean Sievers will serve as Brian’s co-conservators of the person,” they shared.
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“This decision was made to ensure that there will be no extreme changes to the household and Brian and the children living at home will be taken care of and remain in the home where they are cared for by Gloria Ramos and the wonderful team at the house who have been in place for many years helping take care of the family.”
Brian Wilson’s mental health has deteriorated
The court document filing for conservatorship was reported on by PEOPLE and The Blast. The file reportedly refers to a doctor’s description of Wilson as “easily distracted, often even when aware of surroundings.”
The doctor’s observations further note that Wilson “often makes spontaneous irrelevant or incoherent utterances” and struggles “to maintain decorum appropriate to the situation.” A summary document shows that a court date is scheduled for April 26 and a judge is expected to decide whether the conservatorship will proceed.