Recently, a TikTok video of two Delta Airlines passengers fighting surfaced on Instagram. In the footage, one of the passengers reclined her seat so that she could feel comfortable, but the person seated right behind her got pissed and punched the seat.
However, instead of the passenger reporting the problem to a flight attendant, she became confrontational and started shouting at the woman while claiming that reclining her seat was within her rights as a passenger.
Netizens react to the video
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Netizens have taken to the comment section to air their views about the controversial video. Some of them support the position of the passenger who reclined her seat. “She is correct as a flight attendant, you are allowed to recline once your seat is able to recline. People pay for that feature. Some seats cannot,” one person commented. “The person pushing her seat back up is wrong. I wish she had called a crew member to resolve this issue instead of waiting til the end of flight. Why can’t people just be courteous towards each other.”
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“I am 6’6″ people see me scraping my head on the ceiling, and the second I sit behind them, they try to recline the seat. I’m sorry I didn’t have the $12,000 for first-class tickets,” another person wrote. “But somehow, when people come to me for protection, as they have done throughout my entire life. Somehow my size isn’t a problem anymore.”
However, some other people blamed the airlines stating that they do not consider the comfort of the passengers. “I blame the airlines. People need to start complaining to the airlines in droves because it’s their fault all this angry drama is happening because they have gotten too greedy and give passengers less room and comfort all just to make a few more dollars at our expense,” another user explained. “People aren’t used to being this close, and it’s the reason for all this heightened anger. We are blaming each other, and it’s really the airlines that is to blame. People need more space, and they keep taking it away to add more seats.”
Ed Bastian, the CEO of Delta Airlines has previously addressed the controversy of reclining plane seats
This is not the first time airline passengers have clashed with one another about reclining their seats. Ed Bastian, the CEO of Delta Air Lines, reacted to a 2020 viral video where passengers had the same issue.
“I think the proper thing to do is if you’re going to recline into somebody,” Bastian said, “that you ask if it’s OK first and then you do it,” Bastian said. “I think if someone knows there’s a tall person behind them and they want to recline in their seat I think the polite thing would be to make certain it was OK,” he noted. “I never recline because I don’t think it’s something, since I’m the CEO of the airline, that I should be reclining my seat, and I never say anything if someone reclines into me.”