Jane Fonda, who played Grace Hanson, a strict cosmetic mogul who enjoys sipping martinis and giving sharp responses and clever comments in the streaming sitcom Grace and Frankie, recently revealed during a CBS interview that she has stopped drinking alcohol.
“And here’s why: It’s because even with one drink, like, if I had a martini tonight, I would be at half-mast tomorrow,” Fonda detailed. “Now, that wasn’t true when I was younger. But as you get older, I think alcohol affects you differently. And I only have so many tomorrows left. I don’t want to be at half-mast for any of them!”
The actress is intentional about living a healthy lifestyle
Fonda is always conscious of her health, and she is willing to also part with whatever will bring harm to her body. “I’m super-conscious that I’m closer to death. And it doesn’t really bother me that much,” she said. “What bothers me is that my body is basically not mine! My knees are not mine, my hips are not mine, my shoulder’s not mine. You’re looking at somebody who’s only me from here up.”
RELATED: 84-Year-Old Jane Fonda Regrets Getting A Facelift Years Ago
“The fact is, if you’re alive and relatively healthy at an older age — I mean, I’m almost 85. The fact that I’m still alive and working, wow, who cares if I don’t have my old joints?” the actress revealed. “And I can’t ski or bike or run anymore? Eh. You know, you can be really old at 60, and you can be really young at 85. Health!”