Christopher Lloyd and Michael J. Fox reunited once again at New York Comic Con. The two famously played Emmett “Doc” Brown and Marty McFly in the film Back to the Future and its sequels but it originally wasn’t supposed to be that way! They opened up about how Michael was swapped in at the last minute.
Originally, Eric Stoltz was supposed to play Marty but the director, Robert Zemeckis, wasn’t sure he was the right fit after filming for a while. Christopher explained, “The announcement — at one o’ clock in the morning after we were shooting for six weeks — was that the actor playing Marty would no longer be playing Marty, and that tomorrow, we would start shooting with Michae. I felt that I barely made it through the [first] six weeks, and now I was gonna have to do it again?!”
Christopher Lloyd and Michael J. Fox reunited at New York Comic Con
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Yet, it ended up being the right call and Christopher and Michael became friends for life. He added, “The chemistry was there from the first scene we had, it was alive, and it remained that way for three movies. It hasn’t gone away, by the way.”
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Michael agreed. He shared, “All I had to do was just react. Just take it in and let it wash over me. I thought he was brilliant. That was the whole thing: be with Chris and let it be Chris, and enjoy it … It was a thrill. Anytime I got to work with him, I knew it was gonna be a good day.”
Fans loved to see the two reunite at Comic Con since Michael has mostly retired from acting due to his Parkinson’s disease.
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