It was a special experience for director John Carpenter, and one he refused to be tight-lipped about as he took to Instagram to reveal his delight at being reunited with the original limited (LTD) station wagon used in his 1978 classic horror movie, Halloween. He shared pictures of himself appraising the vehicle with a caption: “I would like to thank @joey_wheels_ for reuniting me with the original station wagon from my movie Halloween – released in 1978. Special thanks to all the fans who came out as well! #halloween #theshape #steelcitycon2022.”
Fans and critics of the Halloween franchise would recall the memorable scene in the first movie where The Shape, Michael Myers — following his glorious escape from Smith’s Grove Sanitarium — steals the limited station wagon and embarks on a killing spree in the suburban town of Haddonfield, Illinois. The station wagon surely brings back memories of frightening sights.
Who owns the station wagon now?
John Carpenter did not directly attribute the ownership of the station wagon to anyone in his post’s caption; however, he reached out with appreciation to a personality who is believed to be the owner of the vehicle now. Brief details about the car’s journey since its use in the classic movie over four decades ago also gives minimal hint concerning its ownership.
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According to Screen Rant, the vehicle was used for two weeks during the production of the low-budget Halloween before it was returned to the rental agency they borrowed it from. Following the success of the film — which launched a franchise that continues to this day — the agency auctioned it, and this led to its sale to someone unknown who left it in abandonment in a barn for several years before it was sold to a new owner. This is presumed to be Joe Caldwell — the owner of the Instagram account tagged by Carpenter in his post. The new owner thought it wise to put the car on display at conventions, which is where 74-year-old writer-director Carpenter saw it.
The Future of ‘Halloween’
Fans of the billion-dollar movie franchise are aware of the soon-to-be-released third and final (yeah, we’ll see) installment in the Halloween sequel trilogy dubbed Halloween Ends. The new movie follows 2018’s Halloween and 2021’s Halloween Kills. Key actors in the movies, including actress Jamie Lee Curtis, will reprise their roles in this installment that is due to hit the theaters on October 14, 2022.
Halloween Ends is believed to be a worthy conclusion that will go down as one of the greatest horror pictures in the genre’s history.