The World Yo-Yo Contest is the culminating yo-yo competition of the worldwide competitive circuit and is considered the most prestigious yo-yo competition in the world. The winner of this competition in any of the six championship divisions is deemed the World Yo-Yo Champion—the only event to award such a title. The contest attracts competitors from all over the world, and an increasingly large number of spectators. The competition is currently run by the International Yo-Yo Federation (IYYF) and the respective host nation’s national organization. As of 2015, 33 countries have fed into the World Yo-Yo Contest from their respective national yo-yo contests.
Last week, the 2017 World Yo-Yo Championship was held in Reykjavík, Iceland. And as in years past, watching these performers, including world champion Shu Takada, can only lead you to a single conclusion: these competitors were probably born with yo-yos attached to their arms.
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