Music and beach scene icon Jimmy Buffett passed away suddenly on September 1 at the age of 76. He is survived by his wife Jane Slagsvol, whom he married in ’77, as well as three children. His youngest son, Cameron Marley, recently paid tribute to the influential artist and businessman, shining a spotlight on the joy Buffett poured into each and every day of his life.
Cameron was born in ’94 and adopted by Buffett and Slagsvol, two years after the couple reconciled following a brief split. Although Buffett eventually endured a rare and aggressive form of skin cancer, those who knew him, including Slagsvol, said “He smiled all the time, even when he was deeply ill.” Cameron’s most recent tribute reaffirms this positive outlook Buffett maintained.
Cameron Buffett, Jimmy Buffett’s son, shares an uplifting tribute to the late icon
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On Saturday, Cameron took to Instagram to share words about his recently departed father. “My dad lived the happiest, most fulfilling life anyone could,” he said in the captions. “We had an amazing relationship and I miss him so much. He had an amazing gift of being able to see the positive in everything, and I will try to do the same, for him.”
RELATED: Meet “Margaritaville” Singer Jimmy Buffett’s Three Children
The post is accompanied by a sunset photo – after all, “It’s Five O’Clock Somewhere,” – showing dad Jimmy and son Cameron, accompanied by their dog, while they all lounge together on the beach.
Among the comments, fans shared just how impactful Buffett had been to them, echoing Cameron and Slagsvol’s words. “Your dad was such a blessing to me via his music and voice in so many ebbs and flows of my life,” said one, “Thank you for sharing him! I will continue to pray for you and your family as you heal. I hope your dads joy continues to radiate always!”
Another agreed, “I never met him, but he was an amazing man. He was so excited to be alive. I loved him so much because he was so crazy in love with his family. I believe that is why is he was so happy and successful in his life.”
Cameron Buffett, his mother, and fans are spreading the singer’s message of hope and happiness
That last fan’s comment is one that Buffett and his family would likely agree with, while also attributing their own joy and capabilities to their fans; the positivity they’ve been exposed to brought a very necessary light into a life that could be very difficult.
“One thing we both knew and experienced, through every difficult moment, was the feeling of being buoyed up by all the people in our lives,” noted Slagsvol. “Everywhere we went, at arenas, at events, and even in the hospitals, we were surrounded by love. There is a whole world of people I want to thank for the incredible kindness you showed us.”
Recently, Rolling Stone shared an interview from 2020, in which Buffett reflected on his songs, his career, the people he met, and his legacy. When asked how he wanted to be remembered, he said, “I’d say “He had a good time and made a lot of people happy” would be good. Yeah, that’d be good.”
He certainly achieved just that.