It’s late summer, which means all the mutant bugs are out and all those pesky rodents are everywhere trying to find a space to hide before it gets cold out. This means terrifying spiders and rats can be invading your home and you might not only be concerned about that but also self-conscious about your home’s cleanliness.
Thankfully, there’s a method that’s been tested over time that proves you only need one item to help keep away these critters. Tea bags. There is no need to waste money on chemical repellents, exterminators, and other means of termination.
Follow the steps below to ensure that your home is pest-free for the rest of the year!
1. Take a peppermint tea bag and make a cup of hot tea with it
2. Once the bag is soaked into the tea, pull it out and place it in the corners of your house you expect those pests to inhabit
3. A reminder that if there are any holes or openings in your house where a rat or spider might enter, it’s best to put a tea bag there as well
4. Keep in mind if there are multiple areas in your house that need bags, you will need to make more than one cup of tea for this
5. Keep the bags in those spots and in a few days your home should be free of the pests
You’re probably wondering what a tea bag would do to prevent rats and spiders from infesting your home. The smell of peppermint absolutely repulses pests, and as a result, will find another place to call their home. This way you will not need to use any pesticides or deal with cleaning up a dead animal or bug off your floor.
This is especially useful in the summertime when spiders and rats are infesting people’s homes depending on the climate. This can also be used in the fall and wintertime as an extra effort to ensure rats don’t inhabit your home to avoid the cold. Just this one ingredient and these pests will never enter your home ever again!
Be sure to SHARE this article to spread awareness about this useful tool to help keep your home pest-free!