We’re sure we’ve all been subject to our parents and grandparents nostalgic rants about how things nowadays are so darn expensive, and they’re right! The price differences from back in the day on these items will blow your mind.
1. Movie Tickets Used To Cost $0.45
You will never go to the movies the same after learning this. Today, theaters charge a whopping $17.50 just for adult admission. Take popcorn, soda, and candy into account and there goes your life savings.
2. Gasoline Used To Cost $0.31 A Gallon!
Today a gallon of gas will cost you about $2.75 depending on the state, either way, that’s quite an increase, and we’re not happy about it.
3. A Budweiser 6 Pack Used To Cost $0.99!
Today, depending on which kind, a six pack will cost anywhere from $7 to $10. So much for America the great.
4. A Hershey’s Bar Used To cost $0.05!
What kind of human would charge people more money for chocolate, something that makes the world a happy place. A Hershey’s bar now costs about $1.
5. A Barbie Doll Used To Cost $5
Mattel has since jacked up their prices and charge anywhere from $12 to $20 for the same Barbie.