Fisher-Price was a staple brand in every household that had a toddler or child. When I was a kid, there was nothing more entertaining than the “little people” in a School Bus, on a farm or a play garage, the house, the ferris wheel… I had the school, the camper, the airport and airplane, the castle, the treehouse, Sesame Street, and the village… You name it, I had it!
I absolutely loved my Fisher-Price toys! And my Little People, which my best friend called “circle people”. My favorite character was the black dog “Lucky” with his red collar. I remember the barn doors on my farm “moo-ed” and when I opened the loft doors above the barn, the chickens would cluck. They were so good for the imagination. I made up such great stories! And my green shag carpeting was my imaginary wheat and corn fields!!
I built fences and drove the tractor, on my farm, for hours on end!
Stepping on these pieces was like stepping on a jack! They hurt like nobody’s business!! I loved my Fisher Price farm and my animals. These are toys I will always cherish and hold these memories dear to my heart!
Sources: Mental Floss