1. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

A page of Huckleberry Finn with redacted passages.
A page of Huckleberry Finn with redacted passages. (Credit: Trevor Hunt/Getty Images)

Not all Americans have found Mark Twainโ€™s Great American Novel so great. Weeks after the satire was published in 1885, librarians in Concord, Massachusetts, rejected it for being โ€œrough, coarse and inelegantโ€ and โ€œmore suited to the slums than to intelligent, respectable people.โ€ Two decades later, the book was removed from the Brooklyn Public Libraryโ€™s shelves in part because โ€œHuck not only itched but scratchedโ€ and โ€œsaid โ€˜sweatโ€™ when he should have said โ€˜perspiration.โ€™โ€ Twainโ€™s 19th-century racial language has also rankled some 21st-century readers, According to the American Library Association, the story of Huck and Jim journeying down the Mississippi River was the 14th most-challenged book between 2000 and 2009.

2. The Call of the Wild

Author Jack London
Author Jack London (Credit: Bettmann/Getty Images)

The vicious dog fights, mistreatment of animals and harsh undertones in Jack Londonโ€™s tale of the Klondike gold rush have spurred censorship calls since its publication in 1903. However, it was the leftist political views of the authorโ€”who was twice the Socialist Party candidate for mayor of Oakland, Californiaโ€”rather than the bookโ€™s blood and gore that ran โ€œThe Call of the Wildโ€ afoul of fascist authorities in Italy during the 1920s and early 1930s and resulted in the Nazi Party burning several of Londonโ€™s socialist-leaning writings in 1933.

3. To Kill a Mockingbird

to kill a mockingbird, banned books
Credit: Melanie Stetson Freeman/The Christian Science Monitor via Getty Images

Harper Leeโ€™s 1960 Pulitzer Prize-winning novel has been repeatedly challenged and banned in schools amid complaints of profanity, racial epithets and a description of a rape. After a Virginia school board banned her book in 1966 for being โ€œimmoral literature,โ€ an exasperated Lee wrote to a Richmond newspaper, โ€œTo hear that the novel is โ€˜immoralโ€™ has made me count the years between now and 1984, for I have yet to come across a better example of doublethink.โ€ The book was banned in Lindale, Texas, in 1996 because it โ€œconflicted with the values of the communityโ€ and removed from an Ontario high schoolโ€™s English class in 2009 because of its racial language. On the flip side, however, the school board in Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana, reinstated the novel in 2013 after a 12-year ban.

4. The Grapes of Wrath

Billboard advertisement for "The Grapes of Wrath."
Billboard advertisement for โ€œThe Grapes of Wrath.โ€ (Credit: Dorothea Lange/National Archives/The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images)

Predictably, residents of Kern County, California, were less than thrilled with the unflattering depiction of their local area in John Steinbeckโ€™s 1939 Pulitzer Prize-winning novel and banned it for being libelous. Less predictable, however, was the reaction of the library board in East St. Louis, Illinois, who ordered the cityโ€™s three copies burned because the โ€œobjectionableโ€ language was โ€œnot fit for anyoneโ€™s daughter to read.โ€ The classic tale of Dust Bowl migrants was also banned in Kansas City and Buffalo for its โ€œvulgar wordsโ€ and sexual references. The American Library Association also reports that Ireland banned โ€œThe Grapes of Wrathโ€ in 1953, and in 1973 Turkish booksellers stood trial for hawking copies of the book along with other โ€œpropaganda unfavorable to the state.โ€

5. Ulysses

An early edition of "Ulysses."
An early edition of โ€œUlysses.โ€ (Credit: FRAN CAFFREY/AFP/Getty Images)

James Joyceโ€™s radical, stream-of-consciousness story of Leopold Bloomโ€™s daylong journey across Dublin stoked a fiery reactionโ€”literallyโ€”on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean after its 1922 publication. According to author Kevin Birminghamโ€™s โ€œThe Most Dangerous Book: The Battle for James Joyceโ€™s Ulysses,โ€ government authorities in the United States and England not only banned what is now considered a modernist masterpiece, they also confiscated and burned more than 1,000 copies. Until a federal judge ruled in 1933 that โ€œUlyssesโ€ was not obscene, Americans were forced to track down smuggled copies of Joyceโ€™s novel in order to read it.

6. A Farewell to Arms

Gary Cooper, on the set of the film adaptation of "A Farewell To Arms."
Gary Cooper, on the set of the film adaptation of โ€œA Farewell To Arms.โ€ (Credit: Bettmann/Getty Images)

Ernest Hemingwayโ€™s 1929 novel based on his experiences as an ambulance driver on the Italian front during World War I was banned by Italyโ€™s fascist regime for nearly 20 years because of its depiction of the countryโ€™s terrible defeat at the Battle of Caporetto as well as its anti-militarism theme that led to its burning by the Nazis in 1933 as a โ€œcorrupting foreign influence.โ€ Even before the official publication of โ€œA Farewell to Arms,โ€ Boston police barred the sale of issues of Scribnerโ€™s magazine that serialized the โ€œsalaciousโ€ novel, prompting the publisher to respond, โ€œThe ban on the sale of the magazine in Boston is an evidence of the improper use of censorship which bases its objections upon certain passages without taking into account the effect and purpose of the story as a whole.โ€

A Dresden, Germany art installation commemorating the novel "Slaughterhouse-Five."
A Dresden, Germany art installation commemorating the novel โ€œSlaughterhouse-Five.โ€ (Credit: Sean Gallup/Getty Images)

7. Slaughterhouse-Five

Kurt Vonnegutโ€™s novel based on his experiences as a prisoner of war in World War II has been banned repeatedly by schools since its publication in 1969. The American Library Association reports that towns in New York, Ohio and Florida have banned โ€œSlaughterhouse-Fiveโ€ because of the โ€œbookโ€™s explicit sexual scenes, violence, and obscene language.โ€ In 2011, the Republic, Missouri, the school board unanimously voted to remove the book from library shelves amid complaints it was profane and incompatible with biblical principles. In 1973, the school district of Drake, North Dakota, even burned 32 copies of the novelโ€”notable for its depiction of the 1945 Allied fire-bombing of Dresdenโ€”in its high schoolโ€™s coal furnace.

8. The Catcher in the Rye

catcher in the rye
Credit: Roberto Brosan/The LIFE Images Collection/Getty Images

Following its 1951 publication, J.D. Salingerโ€™s instant hit about disillusioned teenager Holden Caulfield became regularly assigned reading in high schools across the country as well as โ€œa favorite target of censors,โ€ according to the American Library Association, which reports it remained the 19th most-challenged book between 2000 and 2009 due to profanity, blasphemy, and sexual references. According to a biography of Salinger by Raychel Haugrud Reiff, the coming-of-age story was removed from the high school syllabus in Issaquah, Washington, in 1978 after a citizen identified 785 profanities and claimed its inclusion was โ€œpart of an overall communist plot.โ€

9. Leaves of Grass

Walt Whitman's copy of the first edition of "Leaves of Grass."
Walt Whitmanโ€™s copy of the first edition of โ€œLeaves of Grass.โ€ (Credit: Culture Club/Getty Images)

Walt Whitmanโ€™s poetry collection shocked much of America when the first edition was published in 1855. Its frank depiction of sexuality and homoerotic overtones was far โ€œtoo sensualโ€ for the Victorian Age. Yale University President Noah Porter believed โ€œLeaves of Grassโ€ to be the literary equivalent of โ€œwalking naked through the streets.โ€ Nearly every American library refused to purchase a copy, and the book even cost Whitman his job as a clerk with the Bureau of Indian Affairs in 1865 after Secretary of the Interior James Harlan read it and found it obscene and immoral.

10. Harry Potter series

Harry Potter, banned books
Credit: Minh Le/Getty Images

Modern-day popular literature is hardly immune from calls for censorship. As quickly as J.K. Rowlingโ€™s series of โ€œHarry Potterโ€ books shot up the best-seller lists, it also rose to top the list of most banned and challenged books between 2000 and 2009, according to the American Library Association. The series drew complaints from parents and others about the booksโ€™ alleged occult/satanic theme, religious viewpoint, anti-family approach, and violence.