Over the years, certain films have become more than just movies, as they bring fans together through interactive screenings. The Rocky Horror Picture Show has long been one of these movies because it is known for its interactive midnight screenings where fans dress up, shout responses, and perform alongside the film.
Now, National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation has followed suit. It has developed its own interactive sessions in French Canada. In Montreal, the Christmas classic is watched and celebrated through interactive screenings that have made it a modern holiday tradition.
How ‘Christmas Vacation’ became an interactive event – just like ‘Rocky Horror’
These interactive screenings, which started in 2019, have grown into a must-attend event during the Christmas season in Quebec. The Québécois version of Christmas Vacation, titled Le Sapin a des Boules (“The Fir Tree Has Balls”), is now a cult favorite. Just like The Rocky Horror Picture Show, these screenings encourage audience participation, live performances, and even special effects to bring the film to life.
During the screening, fans yell phrases such as “bisou” (“kiss”) when characters kiss and shout “snob!” whenever the Griswold family’s uptight neighbors appear on the screen. The screenings also include lighting effects that resemble Clark Griswold’s holiday decorations. Christmas Vacation also has its own connection to Montreal, as the film’s director, Jeremiah Chechik, grew up in the city and studied at McGill University.
‘Christmas Vacation’ is now a holiday staple – just like ‘Rocky Horror’ has become a Halloween staple
Both The Rocky Horror Picture Show and Christmas Vacation are now classics that have grown into something larger. Rocky Horror thrives on its midnight screenings, while Christmas Vacation has become a December staple in Quebec.
From singing along to “Time Warp” or shouting phrases at the screens, the interactive screenings of Christmas Vacation bring people together this holiday season in a way that goes beyond the regular movie viewing experience.