The beloved cast of Full House is set to reunite at the 90s Con, sparking excitement among fans who have cherished the family-friendly sitcom for decades. The event will feature Andrea Barber, known for her role as the quirky Kimmy Gibbler, alongside on-screen sisters Candace Cameron Bure and Jodie Sweetin, who portrayed D.J. Tanner and Stephanie Tanner, respectively.
This gathering promises to be a nostalgic trip down memory lane, bringing back fond memories of the Tanner family’s heartwarming adventures that graced television screens throughout the late ’80s and ’90s. However, this reunion comes amid lingering tensions between Bure and Sweetin. Over the years, the two have had public disagreements, with their differing perspectives recently coming to light once more.
Bure and Sweetin recently found themselves at odds over a drag performance featured during the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics. Bure publicly criticized the performance, labeling it as blasphemous and expressing her disapproval on social media. She argued that the event was inappropriate and went against her Christian values.
In response, Sweetin fired back, urging Bure to adopt a more open-minded perspective. The 42-year-old emphasized the importance of embracing diversity and respecting different forms of expression.
The on-screen sisters have a history of clashing over their differing ideological beliefs. Bure is known for her conservative Christian views, while Sweetin holds more liberal perspectives, particularly in her strong support for LGBTQ+ rights. These differing viewpoints have occasionally put them at odds, leading to public disagreements.
One notable instance occurred when Bure announced her decision to leave the Hallmark Channel in favor of the Great American Family network, highlighting her desire to focus on traditional marriage themes. This move sparked controversy, and Sweetin subtly expressed her disapproval by supporting social media posts that were critical of Bure’s statement.
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