As the beloved sitcom Happy Days nears its 50th anniversary, Marion Ross, who played Marion Cunningham, and Anson Williams, who portrayed “Potsie”, had a heartwarming reunion, which they shared with fans. The longtime co-stars turned friends posed for a photo, which soon went up on Ross’ son’s Instagram page.
Ross’ son, Jim Meskimen, captioned the shot, “Still enjoying each other’s company as the 50th anniversary of that iconic show is upon us.” Fans could not hold back their excitement in the comments, and they complimented the pair, especially Williams, who looked ageless in his pair of glasses and gray hair.
Beyond being a hit series of the ’70s and ’80s, Happy Days created lifelong friendships, including Ross and Williams’. The whole gang still keep in touch as they reunited in 2019 to celebrate the classic series and pay tribute to the show’s producer and creator, Garry Marshall.
In an old interview with Fox News, Williams said the secret to the show’s cast becoming real-life friends was the game of softball. “I think the secret that made the set so great was our softball team,” he said. “Most of us were ex-jocks. So it was fantastic in terms of keeping a group of actors together beyond the set.”
He also noted that Don Most, who played Ralph Malph, is the closest to him because he resides nearby. “I don’t see Ron much because he’s always all over, but we’re in contact. Henry Winkler, we’re in contact,” he said. “Don Most, he’s 15 minutes away from me. All of us have stayed very, very close. We’re always a phone call away.”
Williams turned 74 in September but still looks as active and youthful as ever. He recently remarried after his divorce from Jackie Gerken in 2020. He found love with writer and real estate broker Sharon MaHarry, and they tied the knot at their home in Ojai, California. “It’s not over the top, but at the same time, it’s memorable and special,” he said of their intimate wedding.
Williams recalled going through a divorce and a battle with colon cancer, thinking he would never find love again. He called meeting Sharon at his age “a miracle,” which he “would trade my stardom, notoriety, all that bologna” for in no time. “There’s no age limit on being loved. There’s no age limit on living life fully,” he said. Also present at the ceremony was Most, who was Williams’ best man.
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