As years go by, many trends have taken over to displace old ones that will be missed by the older generation. Special holidays come with their unique rituals that set them apart from others. Christmas is that time of the year when families come together to re-enact century-old traditions in the spirit of fun – but some holiday traditions may be disappearing.
Some of the popular Christmas rituals include singing carols, using fine china, having big family dinners, and dressing up. Sadly, some of these fun activities are slowly disappearing and on the outs, and making room for new ones with the recent generation. Here are ten Holiday traditions we will miss;
Christmas Caroling
People used to fill the neighborhood atmosphere with carols, knocking on doors to sing from house to house. These days, caroling is done in churches, malls, schools, or community tree lighting.
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Using Fine China
Families used to save fine china and their favorite silver cutlery set for the holidays, however, it is not uncommon to see paper plates at big family gatherings today.
Staying Up to Build Toys
Now, people would rather just pay someone to help set up kids’ toys, unlike the old time when families stayed up all night to build them or bond over wrapping the presents.
Handmade Garlands
Another family fun Christmas activity involved making hand-strung garlands with needle and thread, popcorn, and some cranberries. Lately, households rarely have a sewing kit.
Greeting Cards
With the rise of social media and instant messaging, greeting cards have gone out of style— why painstakingly design or shop for one when you can simply tap a button or two online?
Real Christmas Trees
The American Christmas Tree Association reports that 77% of U.S. households will celebrate this holiday season with a Christmas tree, with 82% of these being artificial trees.
Office Parties
On the bright side, offices no longer throw parties flowing with booze and wild antics. The fun is now limited to little or no alcohol, so everyone wakes up without a hangover and fine enough to enjoy the rest of the season.
Grab Bags
Grab bags were common during elementary school days, where everyone would get a gift, throw it into a bag, and then shuffle for something else later.
Big Bulbs
People now prefer fairy lights, icicle lights, and blow-ups rather than the popular huge bulbs, and we cannot blame them— electricity bills are through the roof these days.
Advent Calendars
It’s not uncommon to find the advent calendar trend on social media now that the holiday is getting near; however, the true meaning of advent is now lost in the aesthetics. Advent was a religious practice in which you open a door each day to reveal a picture, prayer, or sometimes candy as you count down the holidays.
What holiday traditions do you love the most?