Salma Hayek is among the many celebrities to look up to for beauty tips because she has great skin and a gorgeous body at 56. The actress recently shared a rather bizarre skin care tip in an interview with British GQ.
Hayek disclosed that the unusual skin care tip was taught to her by her grandmother, and she swears by it. Many fans are not convinced by this beauty tip and, in fact, may not be taking the advice. In addition, a skincare expert came forward to address Hayek’s beauty secret after watching the clip online.
What is Hayek’s ‘weird’ skincare routine?
Hayek replied to a tweet from a fan curious about how she has such youthful skin. “What is Salma Hayek’s skincare routine? That woman is in her 50s and looks amazing,” they wrote. Hayek disclosed that she does not wash her face in the morning— since she was a teenager. “My grandmother taught me to never wash my face in the morning. It’s not disgusting, guys,” she said.
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Hayek says her grandmother’s tip is the key to glowing skin despite the skincare products and experts she can afford. The actress explained that the skin “produces all the oils” it requires to look youthful over the night. “It regenerates. So, wash your skin really great at night but don’t wash the hard work off your skin in the morning,” she added.
Reactions to Hayek’s skincare practice
A chemist and founder of SOS Serum Skincare, Bruce Green, responded to Hayek’s advice. “I love Salma, but I don’t agree with her grandmother’s or her views on skin cleansing,” he said. “Cleansing is one of the single most important things you can do for your skin.”
He added that the skin takes up dirt during the day from pollution, sweat, sebum, and makeup, so washing the debris off twice daily is vital. “If you do not cleanse your skin twice a day, your pores will become clogged, and your skin will start to look dull,” he wrote. “Salma – I enjoy your films but not your skincare advice!”