Denise Austin, popularly known as the ultimate fitness icon of the ’80s and ’90s, has continued to exude a radiant and youthful appearance, all thanks to her unwavering commitment to a healthy lifestyle. Austin held the title of the workout queen, captivating the hearts of fitness enthusiasts worldwide, and her infectious energy, enthusiastic demeanor, and effective exercise routines propelled her to the forefront of the Wellness industry.
Even to this day, the 66-year-old still remains highly committed to her well-being as she continuously adheres to a consistent workout regimen which ensures that her body remains strong, flexible, and energized.
Denise Austin reveals the secret to her youthful look
In an interview with Fox News Digital, she revealed that in order to maintain her fitness when she became a mother of two, she meticulously crafted a collection of 30-minute exercise routines that can be easily incorporated into her schedule without the necessity of going to a gym.
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“We have found through research [that] shows 30 minutes most days of the week is a great amount of time to get a great workout,” Austin admitted. “It could be 30 minutes of outdoor walking… So there’s no excuse. When the kids were little, I used to wake up before [they] got up. Before I cooked them breakfast and sent them off to school, I’d get it done… Sometimes I’d get it done in the morning or, throughout the day I’d do 10 minutes. You could do three 10-minute workouts. You could [do] an accumulation of 30 minutes in a day and that’s great too.”
Austin further stated that the exercise has helped her body over the years. “That’s right – I have been doing 30-minute workouts for 40 years. I truly believe that in 30 minutes you can get in everything. So some days of the week, I do 30 minutes worth of cardio to burn fat, to work on [my heart] – it is a muscle,” she added. “And then on the other three days, I do 30-minutes of toning and stretching to keep [my] abs strong… to keep the body strong, toned, and firmed up. Whatever you can do, just try it, just starting with 10 minutes of walking is fabulous. You’ll feel so much better.”
Denise Austin shares how she maintains a healthy lifestyle
The 66-year-old emphasized the significance of incorporating fresh fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains into her daily diet in addition to her exercise. “You’ve got to have good nutrition, good exercise, and a good attitude … I eat well 80% of the time and I have my treats 20% of the time… Even if you haven’t exercised in years, that’s OK. Start small with just 10 minutes – you’ll feel a big difference,” Austin explained. “The energy will start to flow, and you’ll start to have a good mindset… For the summer, I love to do exercises that target the triceps [to wear] sleeveless blouses… My other favorite is a mini-squat. A lot of people… 50 and older, have knee and hip issues. So a mini-squat is great for your behind and your legs. If you rest, you’ll rust.”
She concluded that walking is an important part of her exercise regimen. “Walking works your whole body, I tell people to pump those arms, really get the most out of your walk. You can also walk as fast as you can,” Austin confessed. “It’s much easier on the body than running, so it’s a great way to get in shape. I think walking is one of the easiest ways to just get out there and that’s what summer is all about. Find a friend or grab your honey bunny like I do… It’s a wonderful way to get more spirit in your body. And it’s so important to feel good both mentally and physically.”