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Guess What This Crazy Looking Wheel Was Used For?

Tap to play, remember don't give away the answer.

7 years ago

Edison Talking Doll – Scary Doll Or Fairytale Doll?

Listen To The Edison Talking Doll

8 years ago

Who is the Grown up Jean Louise “Scout” Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird?

Don't give away the answer. Say Got it if you know it. Tap the image if you do not know…

8 years ago

Thinking About Switching Over? 4 Awesome Music Services to Checkout

Spotify - This is the most popular of them all, it has amazing playlists and almost all of the classics! Check…

8 years ago

Guess What This Fancy Looking Mask Is For?

Click to Find Out and Play More Games at

8 years ago

Do You Know What this Was Used for… And No, It’s not What You are Thinking!

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8 years ago

Guess What This High Tech Looking Machine Is For?

Do You Know What the Mystery Person, Place or Thing is?

8 years ago

Guess What These Strange Looking Binoculars Do?

Click to Find Out and Play More Games at

8 years ago

Guess What This Tricky Looking Doo-Dad Does?

Find All the Differences & Play More Games on

8 years ago

MisMatch: Rocking Out with the Banana Splits

Answers:  The logo on the drum set has been inverted Bingo has a new set of teeth The guitar on…

8 years ago

Guess What This Fancy Looking Dish Does?

Click to Find Out and Play More Games at

8 years ago

The Buckinghams: “Kind of a Drag “

"Kind of a Drag" was written by Jim Holvey, who was a friend of the band's from Chicago. It is…

8 years ago