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16 Times Moms Proved They Were the Funniest One in the Family

Moms rarely get the credit when it comes to being the jokester of the family. It’s dad who often cracks…

7 years ago

40 Vintage Technologies That We No Longer Use

Most of the vintage technologies that we have used in the past have been eclipsed by the remarkable technology that…

7 years ago

25 Things Kids Born After 1999 Will Never Understand

These pictures will depict what struggles kids before the millennium will NEVER understand including having to use a corded phone…

7 years ago

15 Surprising Celebrity Couples You’ll Never Guess Dated In Real Life

Some combinations, like peanut butter and jelly, are made for each other. Others, like oil and water, are not. The…

7 years ago

What Ever Happened To Our Favorite Past Time, Waterbeds?

For kids and adults alike, waterbeds used to be the coolest—until suddenly they weren’t. After a heyday in the late…

7 years ago

13 Random Things You Won’t Believe You Didn’t Know

You know those things that pop up every now and again where they completely blow your mind when you take…

7 years ago

How To Clean A Vintage Rain Lamp

I've always wanted a vintage rain lamp and after searching for a while, I finally found one on Craigslist at…

7 years ago

13 Incredible Facts That Will Change The Way You See The World

Actually, make that your whole universe-view. 1. Let's start small. Did you know that you can't hum when you hold your…

7 years ago

School Days Memories Today’s Kids Can’t Relate To

Did you love school or hate it? Whatever your answer is there’s no denying we spent a massive part of…

7 years ago

Gadgets Then And Now

The internet came along and changed our lives. Smartphones and super slim televisions are now standard the world over. But it wasn't always…

7 years ago

Jennifer Aniston On Why ‘Friend’s’ Wouldn’t Work Today

And It's Not 'Cause They Are Enemies

7 years ago

1950s Marriage Advice For Women

There are a lot of super cool elements about the 1950s: Cars were definitely much niftier, people spent more time…

7 years ago