You searched for: wash

Neil Diamond Remakes “Sweet Caroline” Coronavirus Version About Washing Your Hands

Neil Diamond is one of the many celebrities who is reaching out to try and give people hope during these…

4 years ago

Gloria Gaynor Posts Video Of Her Washing Hands To “I Will Survive”

As the coronavirus spreads, many people are sharing the importance of washing your hands regularly, especially after you have been…

4 years ago

Washington County Recommends Those Over 60 to Stay Indoors And All 2.2M Residents to Work From Home

The coronavirus continues to spread across the U.S. Advisories have been placed throughout the country, including in Washington County. They…

4 years ago

New Book Alleges That Everything We Know About George Washington Is Actually Wrong

Growing up, we all learn about the very first President of the United States, George Washington. He would serve as…

4 years ago

Washington Redskins Coach Ron Rivera Sends Military Veteran To The Super Bowl

Washington Redskins head coach Ron Rivera is excited to send a military veteran to the Super Bowl. To pull this…

4 years ago

You’ve Probably Been Washing Your Hands The Wrong Way This Whole Time

Washing your hands is something that we all do, whether we're finishing up in the restroom or washing up before…

4 years ago

80-Year-Old Donzella Washington Becomes Alabama University’s Oldest Graduate

Donzella Washington broke multiple records and set a remarkable example when she graduated from Alabama University. At 80 years old,…

4 years ago

Studies Reveal How Often You Should Be Washing Your Bed Sheets

It's no secret every so often you should throw your bedsheets in the wash and replace them with new, clean…

4 years ago

The Queen Puts Her Grandchildren In Check On Loading the Dishwasher

Displeasing a queen usually means committing a serious offense. Trusted advisors may commit treason, or trusted soldiers might engage in…

5 years ago

Studies Show That Mouthwash Cancels Out Key Benefits Of Exercise

New studies about how mouthwash can affect the benefits of exercise are surfacing and making us all scratch our heads!…

5 years ago

Washington Farmers Harvest Crops For Neighbor With Stage Four Cancer

Larry Yockey was diagnosed with Stage IV melanoma cancer back in February. Now, farmers have rallied with him as he…

5 years ago

You Should Always Wash New Clothes Before You Wear Them

When you purchase new clothes, you probably fall in one of two camps. There are people who always wash new…

5 years ago