You searched for: FedEx

Teen Fixes Tattered American Flags For Local Businesses

One Florida teen went out of his way to ensure American flags are hung properly and proudly for local businesses.…

4 years ago

Here’s How You Could Actually Mail A Child In The Early 1900s

The delivery system of the modern world has made things exceptionally easier for us. What with USPS, FedEx, and UPS,…

4 years ago

Vintage Halloween Costumes That Will Cause Serious Nostalgic Nightmares

Generations can relate to trick-or-treating. As a yearly activity, it gives kids the chance to wander the neighborhood, have fun,…

4 years ago

NJ Turnpike Authority Removes American Flags From Bridges That Have Been There Since 9/11

The NJ Turnpike Authority has removed the American flags from bridges. They have been flying there since the 9/11 terror…

4 years ago

What’s It Like For Audience Members On ‘The Ellen DeGeneres Show?’

Recently, Ellen DeGeneres came under fire for a wave of accusations. Staff members, guests, and civilians on the street accuse…

4 years ago

Cumberland Farms Raises Funds For Disabled Veterans

A trip to Cumberland Farms comes with another bonus besides important goods and gas. Throughout the month of June, the…

4 years ago

Sylvester Stallone Celebrates 23rd Wedding Anniversary With Wife Jennifer Flavin

Sylvester Stallone and his wife, Jennifer Flavin, are celebrating their 23rd wedding anniversary! Jennifer posted a sweet photo of them…

4 years ago

Annie Glenn, Wife Of Late Astronaut And Senator, Dies Of Coronavirus At 100 Years Old

On Tuesday, May 20, Annie Glenn passed away from coronavirus complications She drew public attention as the wife of celebrated…

4 years ago

WWII Veteran Gets A Special Birthday Honor After His Party Was Canceled Due To The Pandemic

Lt. Col. Sam Sachs recently got a special birthday honor after his party was canceled due to the ongoing coronavirus.…

4 years ago

People Buy Stamps To Try To Stop US Postal Service From Going Bankrupt

The United States Postal Service (USPS) is just another business suffering due to the coronavirus outbreak. The USPS needs funding…

4 years ago

The Coronavirus Could Be The “Last Straw’ For The U.S. Postal Service

The coronavirus pandemic is ongoing and rapidly spreading. It has affected businesses, both large and small, worldwide. Especially for businesses…

4 years ago

Walmart Enters The Spotlight As Consumers Seek Reliable Store Through Coronavirus Crisis

Major crises can quickly reshape how people go about their daily lives. War, weather, and disease influence businesses, social interactions,…

4 years ago