41. South Dakota: Honey Peanut Butter Cookie
Similar to Nebraska, the Mount Rushmore State insect is the honey bee. Who knew! We’re paying our respects with this cookie.
42. Tennessee: Christmas Sprankle Cookie
On a serious note, this cookie was music to our mouths. Tennessee is the state for music and thanks to Bee in Our Bonnet, this cookie sang to us.
43. Texas: XXL Death by Chocolate Cookie
If everything is bigger in Texas, this XXL cookie plays by the rules. The OTT double chocolate cookie proves the bigger, the better!
44. Utah: Jell-O Cookie
It’s not every day you use the words Jell-O and cookie in the same sentence, but The Salt Lake Tribune vows that at one time, Utah residents consumed more Jell-O per capita than any other state in the country. Say Jell-O to your state cookie!
45. Vermont: Butterscotch Maple Walnut Cookie
Like Buddy the Elf, Vermont sure does love Maple Syrup. The state is the leading producer of syrup, which fills every bite of the maple walnut cookie.
46. Virginia: Peanut Butter Cookie
The Old Dominion State is a frontrunner in the peanut race. A warm, soft peanut butter cookie is outrageously good no matter where you are or what season it is. We wouldn’t even mind a dollop of the real deal on top!
47. Washington: Chocolate Covered Cherry Cookie
This cookie is cherry good! The majority of sweet cherries are produced in Washington, so why not indulge?
48. West Virginia: Sea Salt Butterscotch Pretzel Cookie
The Mountain State prides itself on its picturesque views and terrain. This cookie is a bountiful beauty just like the state!
49. Wisconsin: Lemon Cream Cheese Cookie
It would be a sin not to include a cheese cookie for the Badger State cheeseheads. Wisconsin has historically held the gold medal in cheese, and alas…
50. Wyoming: The Cowboy Cookie
The beloved Wyoming Cowboys of the University of Wyoming is a true Friday Night Lights football team. They even named a cookie after them, and it’s to die for with chocolate chips, toasted coconut, oats, and pecans.
Credits: goodhousekeeping.com
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