Gary Busey is reportedly being investigated for involvement in a hit-and-run accident in Malibu. A spokesperson for the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department confirmed to PEOPLE that Busey is under investigation for a car crash that occurred last week along the Pacific Coast Highway.
79-year-old Busey allegedly backed his car into a woman’s vehicle while backing out of a shopping center. Busey is accused of not stopping after striking the vehicle and instead fleeing the scene. The woman, who has remained unidentified captured footage of his departure and her own pursuit.
Authorities are investigating Gary Busey for allegedly driving into another car

The woman whose car Busey reportedly hit gave chase when Busey did not stay to exchange insurance information. She shared this footage with TMZ. Initially, Busey is out of the vehicle and the woman films close enough to see his car.
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“Sir, you hit my car, I need your information,” the woman behind the camera can be heard yelling. The view then pans down to show damage on the actor’s own car. “You have scuffs all over your car.”
Busey replies, his comment interpreted as “I’m private” by PEOPLE before he mentions having insurance. He gets back into his car and drives off.
Further details have been recorded
Daily Mail reports that Busey named his coverage as Progressive Insurance, to which the woman replies, “I want the number, I want your information.” Busey rejects the request and gets into his car, with “Wouldn’t It Be Nice” by the Beach Boys audibly playing on his car stereo. Busey is reportedly laughing as the woman calls, “Sir! You don’t get to just leave hitting someone!”
State law classifies fleeing the scene of a minor collision as a misdemeanor.
Busey has a history of vehicular accidents. In 1988, Busey nearly died after crashing his Harley Davidson; he had not been wearing a helmet. “I was in the hospital for two months,” Busey recalled, “I’d split my skull, scraped the temple side of my brain.”
Then, in 2015, not far from where this recent alleged incident took place, Busey backed his car up and hit a woman who was treated at the scene by the Los Angeles Fire Department.