You searched for: New Jersey

10 Creepy Urban Legends That Turned Out To Be True

10 Creepy Urban Legends That Turned Out To Be True

Everyone loves a good urban legend, tales about weird creatures that shouldn't exist, murders straight out of M and other…

7 years ago

The Entire List Of Toys “R” Us Store Closings in the United States

Toys R Us is set to close around 20% of its retail stores across the country this year. The move…

7 years ago

The Hard To Pronounce Town In Every Single State

The English language is tricky enough without all those U.S. town and city names that aren't even derived from English.…

7 years ago

Naomi Parker Fraley, The ‘Real’ Rosie The Riveter, Dies At 96

August 26, 1921 – January 20, 2018 RIP

7 years ago

What Items Do People In Your State Love Buying The Most From Walmart?

Love it or hate it, Walmart is now a seemingly inextricable part of American society. A new map from Business Insider shows that the top-selling items…

7 years ago

25 Ways To Use Leftover Pickle Juice That You’ve Never Thought Of Before

Here are 25 creative tricks to recycle that juice into something wonderful and useful.

7 years ago

24 Melt-In-Your-Mouth Facts About M&M’s

Recognizable on the grocery shelves for their bright, colorful packaging and dozens of flavors and varieties to satisfy every type…

7 years ago

The Best Pancake House In Every US State

Because breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It's the common narrative everyone knows: breakfast is the most important meal…

7 years ago

Here’s The Most Popular Christmas Movie In Your State

Do You Agree With Your State's Pick?

7 years ago

There’s Only One Letter That’s Not In Any U.S. State Name. Can You Guess It?

The United States of America, such a wonderful place! This is a map that we see all the time, but…

7 years ago

The Worst Stereotype Of Each Of The 50 States

Each state has their own stereotypes that drive it's residents absolutely crazy (I would know, I'm from Jersey)...Whether they are…

7 years ago

50 Cookies That Best Represent Each State

The cronut craze is well behind us, while the classic cookie stands strong. Discover and indulge in all fifty of…

7 years ago